Friday, January 1, 2016

FOOD REVIEW : Daiya cheeze lovers pizza

For months i have walked down the freezer isle, wanting to try it, but not being sure since i hate tomato sauce on pizza (whenever i got pizza i always made sure it had no sauce, just cheese!) and since i went vegan (ps i hate making things home made) i have never had a simple, ooey gooey pizza without 10 jars of sauce spread on it.

But i finally went for it, i asked my mom, and of course she said yes, i got it, and now i am about to tell you my review of this AMAZING vegan pizza from Daiya 


When i first took it out of the box the first thing that cheered me up was that i could hardly see any sauce since there was so much cheeze. Also i liked the fact that they used both cheddar and mozzarella. And at first it looked pretty small, but once you cook things, you realize how big it really is (if you know what i mean). But enough chit chat, lets get to the review!


                                                       (Sorry that it came out sideways!!)

Of course like always when i try something new i hesitate for a few seconds, then i just dig in, and that is exactly what i did with this.
But right as i took my first bite, i couldn't even tell there was tomato sauce since it was so cheesy and the sauce was so mild!! YAHOO!  and once i got through the first three pieces i was stuffed, but since i tried this last night and it was only 10:00 pm when i finished my third slice, i slowly ate the rest between then and 1:00 AM. so i did manage to stuff it all in me. But if you want my star rating on this, it would be 8 stars, because of course it would be best if it had no sauce at all (although Daiya did a fabulous job making it taste like there was hardly any sauce on it, that is why i gave it 8.) Also i think they could have made it so there was enough crust so you could hold it without getting sauce all over your hands, but both are minor things so that is why i rate Daiya's cheeze lovers pizza 8 stars

Also due to this review i plan on trying some other varieties of Daiya's vegan pizzas

********************************RATING 8 STARS *********************************

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