the front of the package is pretty basic. It has a picture of the chocolate, and a description, Nothing new.
When i opened the package the chocolate was wrapped in foil like almost all "specialty" chocolates are. Also there were little "lindts" all over the foil (similar to the green and blacks).

When i opened the foil the chocolate was very thin. about as thick as my iphone (about 4 mm) and the squares were big (about 1.3x1.3 in). When i took my first bite (as well as my last) i got a shock of bitterness. it had no flavor what so ever. i had to eat a whole bowl of earth balance mac and cheese just to erase the flavor a little, its still in my mouth and i have eaten the whole box of Earth balance mac and cheese, 2 bottles of water, and even 3 hand fulls of trix just to erase it a little!
I cant believe i gave their chocolate another chance, so unless you love bitter stuff, this so called "chocolate" is not for you.
i give them credit for making a vegan chocolate. But like anything i try, i always give at least one star to any food item i review because the company made an effort to make the product. But the rest of the stars are for flavor, and this "chocolate" has absolutely no flavor except bitter
that is why my rating for Lindt EXCELLENCE 85% cocoa - extra dark chocolate bar if only 1 star.
I think the manufacturers of this "chocolate" need to go back to 2nd grade to learn what chocolate, and excellence is.
*********************************RATING-1 STAR*********************************
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